1. The uniqueness of the color design of the gift box
The uniqueness of gift box design is mainly reflected in the two aspects of special colors and popular colors:
1, special color:
Some colors in packaging design should be color-matched according to their attributes, but in this way, the colors of the picture flow in general, and designers often do the opposite, using unconventional colors to make the packaging of their products stand out from similar products. The processing of this color makes our vision more sensitive and more impressive. The personality of the color will inevitably strengthen the visual impact of the packaging, play a role in promotion, and greatly improve the market competitiveness of its products.
2, popular color
Fashion colors are colors that conform to the development trend of the times, that is, fashionable and fashionable colors. It is a message of packaging designers and a signal of international business communication. When a certain color tendency is generalized, people feel that they lack new stimulation and charm. It also needs a different visual feature, which is imitated and popular. The popular colors released by the International Fashion Color Association every year are proposed based on the characteristics of the times such as the international situation, the market, and the economy. The purpose is to give people a heart. And the balance of the atmosphere, thus creating a harmonious and soft environment.
2. The national character of the color design of gift boxes
The nationality of gift box design is mainly reflected as follows:
Various countries and nations have formed different color customs due to social background, economic conditions, living conditions, traditional habits, customs, and the influence of the natural environment. The psychological changes produced by color vision are very complicated, and they vary according to the age and region. , Or vary greatly depending on personal judgment.
3 , the commercial nature of the color design of gift boxes
The commercial features of gift box design are mainly as follows:
All kinds of commodities have certain attributes, so the commercial nature of gift boxes is a bit different from the general painting colors. Medical supplies and entertainment supplies, food and hardware supplies, cosmetics, cultural and educational supplies, etc. all have large attribute differences. The same type of products can also be subdivided. For example, medical supplies are different from traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine, therapeutic medicine, tonic medicine, and general medicine. In this regard, color processing should be treated specifically, and the sensory elements of color (physical, physiological, psychological) ), and strive for the performance of typical personality. For example, blue and green are used to indicate anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, and sedative drug packaging colors; red and brown are used to indicate tonic drug packaging colors.
Gift boxes can only achieve good product promotion effects by giving gift boxes with different color combinations according to different time and seasons, different regions, different user habits, living environments in different regions, and local conditions.